Science | eTAP Lesson |
Skills | |
Plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and summarises data to communicate conclusions
Examining the Evidence |
Plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
Tools and Technology |
Defines problems, and designs, modifies and follows algorithms to develop solutions
Knowledge and understanding | |
Examines how the environment affects the growth, survival and adaptation of living things
Organism Populations |
Explains how food and fibre are produced sustainably in managed environments for health and nutrition
The Food Web and the Physical Environment |
Explains the effect of heat on the properties and behaviour of materials
Converting Energy |
Explains how the properties of materials determines their use for a range of purposes
Resources in the Ecosystem |
Explains how energy is transformed from one form to another
Energy Transformation in the Ecosystem |
Knowledge of Language | |
Investigates the effects of increasing or decreasing the strength of a specific contact or non-contact force
Knowledge and understanding | |
Explains regular events in the solar system and geological events on the Earth’s surface
NSW.ST3-10ES-S |
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Mountain Building |
Explains how digital systems represent data, connect together to form networks and transmit data
NSW.ST3-11DI-T |
Displaying Data |