Government Standards

Australian Curriculum

Social Studies - Grade 9

Assessment Exam - Australian Curriculum - Level 9 History and Social Sciences
Historical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Overview of the making of the modern world
The nature and significance of the Industrial Revolution and how it affected living and working conditions, including within Australia
Working Conditions and Laissez-Faire Policies
The nature and extent of the movement of peoples in the period (slaves, convicts and settlers)
The extent of European imperial expansion and different responses, including in the Asian region
The Need for Expansion

Imperialism in Asia and the Americas
The emergence and nature of significant economic, social and political ideas in the period, including nationalism
The Industrial Revolution (1750 – 1914)
The technological innovations that led to the Industrial Revolution, and other conditions that influenced the industrialisation of Britain
The population movements and changing settlement patterns during this period
The First Signs of Change
The experiences of men, women and children during the Industrial Revolution, and their changing way of life
The short and long-term impacts of the Industrial Revolution, including global changes in landscapes, transport and communication
The Spread of Industry
Progressive ideas and movements (1750 – 1918)
The emergence and nature of key ideas in the period, with a particular focus on ONE of the following: capitalism, socialism, egalitarianism, nationalism, imperialism, Darwinism, Chartism
The Basics of Capitalism

Progressive Reform
Reasons why ONE key idea emerged and/or developed a following
The role of an individual or group in the promotion of ONE of these key ideas, and the responses to it, for example from workers, entrepreneurs, land owners, religious groups
A Foundation of Religion
The short and long-term impacts of ONE of these ideas on Australia and the world
Movement of peoples (1750 – 1901)
The influence of the Industrial Revolution on the movement of peoples throughout the world, including the transatlantic slave trade and convict transportation
Experiences of slaves, convicts and free settlers upon departure, their journey abroad, and their reactions on arrival, including the Australian experience
Changes in the way of life of a group(s) of people who moved to Australia in this period, such as free settlers on the frontier in Australia
The short and long-term impacts of the movement of peoples during this period
Asia and the world
Key features (social, cultural, economic, political) of ONE Asian society at the start of this period
Change and continuity in the Asian society during this period, including any effects of contact (intended and unintended) with European power(s)
The position of the Asian society in relation to other nations in the world around the turn of the twentieth century (that is 1900), including the influence of key ideas such as nationalism
The significance of ONE key event that involved the Asian society and European power(s), including different perspectives of the event at the time
Making a nation
The extension of settlement, including the effects of contact (intended and unintended) between European settlers in Australia and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Experiences of non-Europeans in Australia prior to the 1900s (such as the Japanese, Chinese, South Sea Islanders, Afghans)
Living and working conditions in Australia around the turn of the twentieth century (that is 1900)
Key people, events and ideas in the development of Australian self-government and democracy, including, the role of founders, key features of constitutional development, the importance of British and Western influences in the formation of Australia’s system of government and women's voting rights
Laws made by federal Parliament between 1901-1914 including the Harvester Judgement, pensions, and the Immigration Restriction Act
World War I (1914-1918)
An overview of the causes of World War I and the reasons why men enlisted to fight in the war
Rumblings of War
The places where Australians fought and the nature of warfare during World War I, including the Gallipoli campaign
Total War
The impact of World War I, with a particular emphasis on Australia including the changing role of women
Peace at Last

A Different World
The commemoration of World War I, including debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend
Historical Skills eTAP Lesson
Chronology, terms and concepts
Use chronological sequencing to demonstrate the relationship between events and developments in different periods and places
Logical Patterns of Organization
Use historical terms and concepts
Imaginative Forms of Literature
Historical questions and research
Identify and select different kinds of questions about the past to inform historical inquiry
Deliver Oral Reports on Historical Investigations
Evaluate and enhance these questions
Identify and locate relevant sources, using ICT and other methods
Analysis and use of sources
Identify the origin, purpose and context of primary and secondary sources
Suitable Research Methods
Process and synthesise information from a range of sources for use as evidence in an historical argument
Researching an Argument
Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of primary and secondary sources
Evaluating Information
Perspectives and interpretations
Identify and analyse the perspectives of people from the past
Analyzing Historical Accounts
Identify and analyse different historical interpretations (including their own)
Explanation and communication
Develop texts, particularly descriptions and discussions that use evidence from a range of sources that are referenced
Reference Materials
Select and use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies
Create Word Processed Documents
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Biomes and food security
Distribution and characteristics of biomes as regions with distinctive climates, soils, vegetation and productivity
Inside Ecosystems
Human alteration of biomes to produce food, industrial materials and fibres, and the use of systems thinking to analyse the environmental effects of these alterations
Environmental, economic and technological factors that influence crop yields in Australia and across the world
Stability in an Ecosystem
Challenges to food production, including land and water degradation, shortage of fresh water, competing land uses, and climate change, for Australia and other areas of the world
Resources in the Ecosystem

The capacity of the world’s environments to sustainably feed the projected future global population
The Food Web and the Physical Environment
Geographies of interconnections
The perceptions people have of place, and how these influence their connections to different places
Accommodation and Adaptation
The way transportation and information and communication technologies are used to connect people to services, information and people in other places
Fluctuation in Population Size
The ways that places and people are interconnected with other places through trade in goods and services, at all scales
The effects of the production and consumption of goods on places and environments throughout the world and including a country from North-East Asia
Ecosystem Changes
The effects of people’s travel, recreational, cultural or leisure choices on places, and the implications for the future of these places
Geographical Inquiry and Skills eTAP Lesson
Observing, questioning and planning
Develop geographically significant questions and plan an inquiry that identifies and applies appropriate geographical methodologies and concepts
Location of Deserts and Rain Forests
Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing
Evaluate sources for their reliability, bias and usefulness and select, collect, record and organise relevant geographical data and information, using ethical protocols, from a range of appropriate primary and secondary sources
Form Judgments About the Ideas Under Discussion
Represent multi-variable data in a range of appropriate forms, for example scatter plots, tables, field sketches and annotated diagrams, with and without the use of digital and spatial technologies
Graphing Data

Paired Data Sets and Scatterplots
Represent spatial distribution of geographical phenomena by constructing special purpose maps that conform to cartographic conventions, using spatial technologies as appropriate
Reading Maps for Evidence
Interpreting, analysing and concluding
Interpret and analyse multi-variable data and other geographical information using qualitative and quantitative methods, and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to make generalisations and inferences, propose explanations for patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies, and predict outcomes
Apply geographical concepts to synthesise information from various sources and draw conclusions based on the analysis of data and information, taking into account alternative points of view
Relevance of Setting
Identify how geographical information systems (GIS) might be used to analyse geographical data and make predictions
Present findings, arguments and explanations in a range of appropriate communication forms, selected for their effectiveness and to suit audience and purpose; using relevant geographical terminology, and digital technologies as appropriate
Formal Presentations

Global Environmental Laws
Reflecting and responding
Reflect on and evaluate findings of an inquiry to propose individual and collective action in response to a contemporary geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic, political and social considerations; and explain the predicted outcomes and consequences of their proposal
Deliver Research Presentations

Global Environmental Laws
Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Government and democracy
The role of political parties and independent representatives in Australia’s system of government, including the formation of governments
How citizens’ political choices are shaped, including the influence of the media
Compare and Contrast Media Coverage of the Same Event
The process through which government policy is shaped and developed, including the role of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Laws and citizens
The key features of Australia’s court system and how courts apply and interpret the law, resolve disputes and make law through judgements
The key principles of Australia’s justice system, including equality before the law, independent judiciary, and right of appeal
Citizenship, diversity and identity
How and why individuals and groups, including religious groups, participate in and contribute to civic life
The influence of a range of media, including social media, in shaping identities and attitudes to diversity
Aesthetic Effects of a Media Presentation
How ideas about and experiences of Australian identity are influenced by global connectedness and mobility
Civics and Citizenship Skills eTAP Lesson
Questioning and research
Develop, select and evaluate a range of questions to investigate Australia's political and legal systems
Identify, gather and sort information and ideas from a range of sources and reference as appropriate
Develop Presentations Using Appropriate Research Methods
Analysis, synthesis and interpretation
Critically evaluate information and ideas from a range of sources in relation to civics and citizenship topics and issues
Paraphrase a Speaker's Purpose and Point of View
Account for different interpretations and points of view
Point of View
Problem-solving and decision-making
Recognise and consider multiple perspectives and ambiguities, and use strategies to negotiate and resolve contentious issues
Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civics or citizenship issue and plan for that action
The Political Process
Communication and reflection
Present evidence-based civics and citizenship arguments using subject-specific language
The Impact of the Media on the Democratic Process
Reflect on their role as a citizen in Australian, regional and global contexts
Economics and Business Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Economics and Business Knowledge and Understanding
Australia as a trading nation and its place within the rising economies of Asia and broader global economy
Why and how participants in the global economy are dependent on each other
Economic Specialization
Why and how people manage financial risks and rewards in the current Australian and global financial landscape
The nature of innovation and how and why businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market
Issues in Today’s Global Market
The changing roles and responsibilities of participants in the Australian or global workplace
Economics and Business Skills eTAP Lesson
Questioning and research
Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043 - Scootle )
A Look Inside Macroeconomics
Gather relevant and reliable data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources
What Do Economists Do?
Interpretation and analysis
Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives
Economic reasoning, decision-making and application
Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action
The Role of Government
Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations
Communication and reflection
Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts
Structuring Ideas and Arguments
Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions
Scarcity and Choice