Government Standards

Australian Curriculum

Social Studies - Grade 8

Assessment Exam - Australian Curriculum - Level 8 Social Studies
Historical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Overview of the ancient to modern world
Overview content for the ancient to modern world (Byzantine, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Ottoman, Khmer, Mongols, Yuan and Ming dynasties, Aztec, Inca) includes the following: the transformation of the Roman world and the spread of Christianity and Islam
Key features of the medieval world (feudalism, trade routes, voyages of discovery, contact and conflict)
The emergence of ideas about the world and the place of people in it by the end of the period (such as the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment)
The Ottoman Empire (c.1299 – c.1683)
The way of life in the Ottoman Empire (social, cultural, economic and political features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society
Significant developments and/or cultural achievements that reflect the power and influence of the Ottoman Empire, such as the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD (CE), art and architecture
Relationships with subject peoples, including the policy of religious tolerance
The role of significant individuals such as Selim I or Suleiman the Magnificent in maintaining the strength and influence of the Ottoman Empire
Renaissance Italy (c.1400 – c.1600)
The way of life in Renaissance Italy (social, cultural, economic and political features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society
Significant developments and/or cultural achievements that reflect the concentration of wealth and power in the city-states, such as art and learning
Relationships between rulers and ruled in ONE Italian city-state such as Florence or Naples
The role and achievements of significant individuals such as Lucrezia Borgia, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli
The spread of Renaissance culture to the rest of Europe, and its legacy
The Vikings (c.790 – c.1066)
The way of life in Viking society (social, cultural, economic and political features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society
Significant developments and/or cultural achievements that led to Viking expansion, including weapons and shipbuilding, and the extent of their trade
Viking conquests and relationships with subject peoples, including the perspectives of monks, changes in the way of life of the English, and the Norman invasion
The role of a significant individual in the expansion of Viking settlement and influence, such as Erik the Red or Leif Ericson
Medieval Europe (c.590 – c.1500)
The way of life in Medieval Europe (social, cultural, economic and political features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society
Significant developments and/or cultural achievements, such as changing relations between Islam and the West (including the Crusades), architecture, medieval manuscripts and music
Continuity and change in society in ONE of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce
Dominance of the Catholic Church and the role of significant individuals such as Charlemagne
Angkor/Khmer Empire (c.802 – c.1431)
The way of life in the Khmer Empire, including, social, cultural, economic and political features (including the role of the king )
Reasons for Angkor’s rise to prominence, including wealth from trade and agriculture
Cultural achievements of the Khmer civilisation, including its system of water management and the building of the temples of Angkor
Theories of the decline of Angkor, such as the overuse of water resources, neglect of public works as a result of ongoing war, and the effects of climate change
Japan under the Shoguns’ (c.794 – 1867)
The way of life in shogunate Japan, including social, cultural, economic and political features (including the feudal system and the increasing power of the shogun)
The role of the Tokugawa Shogunate in reimposing a feudal system (based on daimyo and samurai) and the increasing control of the Shogun over foreign trade
The use of environmental resources in Shogunate Japan and the forestry and land use policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate
Theories about the decline of the Shogunate, including modernisation and westernisation, through the adoption of Western arms and technology
The Polynesian expansion across the Pacific (c.700 – 1756)
Theories about the origin and spread of Polynesian settlers throughout the Pacific
The way of life in ONE Polynesian society, including social, cultural, economic and political features, such as the role of the ariki in Maori and in Rapa Nui society (Easter Island)
Cultural achievements of ONE Polynesian society, such as the Ta moko and hangi in Maori society OR the moai constructed on Easter Island
The way Polynesian societies used environmental resources (sustainably and unsustainably), including the extinction of the moa in New Zealand, the use of religious/supernatural threats to conserve resources, and the exploitation of Easter Island’s palm trees
Mongol expansion (c.1206 – c.1368)
The nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols and the rise of Temujin (Genghis Khan)
The organisation of the Mongol army under Genghis Khan and the treatment of conquered peoples, such as the codification of laws and exemption of teachers, lawyers and artists from taxes
The extent of the Mongol expansion as one of the largest land empires in history
The consequences of the Mongol expansion, including its impact on life in China during and after the Mongol conquest and contributions to European knowledge and trade routes
The Black Death in Asia, Europe and Africa (14th century plague)
Living conditions and religious beliefs in the 14th century, including life expectancy, medical knowledge and beliefs about the power of God
The role of expanding trade between Europe and Asia in the Black Death, including the origin and spread of the disease
Causes and symptoms of the Black Death and the responses of different groups in society to the spread of the disease, such as the flagellants and monasteries
The immediate- and long-term effects of the Black Death on Asian, European and African populations, and conflicting theories about the impact of the plague
The Spanish conquest of the Americas (c.1492 – c.1572)
Pre-Columbian life in the Americas, including social organisation, city life and beliefs
When, how and why the Spanish arrived in the Americas, and where they went, including the various societies and geographical features they encountered
The nature of the interaction between the Spanish and the indigenous populations, with a particular focus on either the Aztecs OR Incas
The immediate and long-term effects of the conquest on the Aztecs OR Incas as well as on the wider world
Historical Skills eTAP Lesson
Chronology, terms and concepts
Sequence historical events, developments and periods
Use historical terms and concepts
Historical questions and research
Identify a range of questions about the past to inform a historical inquiry
Identify and locate relevant sources, using ICT and other methods
Analysis and use of sources
Identify the origin and purpose of primary and secondary sources
Locate, compare, select and use information from a range of sources as evidence
Draw conclusions about the usefulness of sources
Perspectives and interpretations
Identify and describe points of view, attitudes and values in primary and secondary sources
Explanation and communication
Develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations that use evidence from a range of sources that are acknowledged
Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Landforms and landscapes
Different types of landscapes and their distinctive landform features
Spiritual, aesthetic and cultural value of landscapes and landforms for people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Geomorphic processes that produce landforms, including a case study of at least one landform
Human causes and effects of landscape degradation
Ways of protecting significant landscapes
Causes, impacts and responses to a geomorphological hazard
Changing nations
Causes and consequences of urbanisation, drawing on a study from Indonesia, or another country of the Asia region
Differences in urban concentration and urban settlement patterns between Australia and the United States of America, and their causes and consequences
Reasons for, and effects of, internal migration in both Australia and China
Reasons for, and effects of, international migration in Australia
Management and planning of Australia’s urban future
Geographical Inquiry and Skills eTAP Lesson
Observing, questioning and planning
Develop geographically significant questions and plan an inquiry using appropriate geographical methodologies and concepts
Evaluate sources for their reliability and usefulness and select, collect and record relevant geographical data and information, using ethical protocols, from appropriate primary and secondary sources
Represent data in a range of appropriate forms, for example, climate graphs, compound column graphs, population pyramids, tables, field sketches and annotated diagrams, with and without the use of digital and spatial technologies
Represent spatial distribution of different types of geographical phenomena by constructing appropriate maps at different scales that conform to cartographic conventions, using spatial technologies as appropriate
Interpreting, analysing and concluding
Interpret geographical data and other information using qualitative and quantitative methods, and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to identify and propose explanations for spatial distributions, patterns and trends, and infer relationships
Apply geographical concepts to draw conclusions based on the analysis of data and information collected
Present findings, arguments and ideas in a range of communication forms selected to suit a particular audience and purpose; using geographical terminology and digital technologies as appropriate
Reflecting and responding
Reflect on their learning to propose individual and collective action in response to a contemporary geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic and social considerations, and predict the expected outcomes of their proposal
Civics and Citizenship Skills eTAP Lesson
Questioning and research
Develop a range of questions to investigate Australia's political and legal systems
Identify, gather and sort information and ideas from a range of sources
Analysis, synthesis and interpretation
Critically analyse information and ideas from a range of sources in relation to civics and citizenship topics and issues
Problem-solving and decision-making
Appreciate multiple perspectives and use strategies to mediate differences
Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civics or citizenship issue and plan for that action
Communication and reflection
Present evidence-based civics and citizenship arguments using subject-specific language
Reflect on their role as a citizen in Australia’s democracy
Economics and Business Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Economics of Australia
The ways markets in Australia operate to enable the distribution of resources, and why they may be influenced by government
The traditional markets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and their participation in contemporary markets
The rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses in Australia in terms of financial and economic decision-making
Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia
Influences on the ways people work and factors that might affect work in the future
Economics and Business Skills eTAP Lesson
Questioning and research
Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project
Gather relevant data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources
Interpretation and analysis
Interpret data and information displayed in different formats to identify relationships and trends
Economic reasoning, decision-making and application
Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative
Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations
Communication and reflection
Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions