Working Mathematically | eTAP Lesson |
Develop the ability to apply reasoning, and the use of appropriate language, in the evaluation and construction of arguments and the interpretation and use of models based on mathematical concepts | |
Uses algebraic and graphical techniques to compare alternative solutions to contextual problems
NSW.MS1-11-1 |
Represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular form
NSW.MS1-11-2 |
Develop the ability to use concepts and apply techniques to the solution of problems in algebra and modelling, measurement, financial mathematics, data and statistics, probability and networks | |
Solves problems involving quantity measurement, including accuracy and the choice of relevant units
NSW.MS1-11-3 |
Models relevant financial situations using appropriate tools
NSW.MS1-11-5 |
Makes predictions about everyday situations based on simple mathematical models
NSW.MS1-11-6 |
Develops and carries out simple statistical processes to answer questions posed
NSW.MS1-11-7 |
Solves probability problems involving multistage events
NSW.MS1-11-8 |
Develop the ability to use mathematical skills and techniques, aided by appropriate technology, to organise information and interpret practical situations | |
Uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information in a range of contexts
NSW.MS1-11-9 |
Develop the ability to interpret and communicate mathematics in a variety of written and verbal forms, including diagrams and graphs | |
Justifies a response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology and/or calculations
NSW.MS1-11-10 |