Geography | eTAP Lesson |
Develop knowledge and understanding of the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales | |
Explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change
NSW.GE4-3 |
Aboriginal Studies | eTAP Lesson |
Develop knowledge and understanding of similarities and diversity in Aboriginal identities, communities and cultural expression | |
Identifies the factors that contribute to an Aboriginal person’s identity
NSW.AST4-1 |
Outlines ways in which Aboriginal Peoples maintain identity
NSW.AST4-2 |
Recognises the changing nature of Aboriginal cultures
NSW.AST4-3 |
Outlines changes in Aboriginal cultural expression across time and location
NSW.AST4-4 |
Identifies the importance of families and communities to Aboriginal People
NSW.AST4-5 |
Develop understanding of the importance of Aboriginal self-determination and autonomy | |
Defines the concepts of self-determination and autonomy in relation to Aboriginal Peoples
NSW.AST4-6 |
Develop understanding of Aboriginal Peoples’ ongoing local, regional, national and international roles, and range of relationships with non-Aboriginal peoples | |
Describes the roles and significance of Aboriginal Peoples locally, regionally, nationally and internationally
NSW.AST4-7 |
Describes the range of relationships between Aboriginal Peoples and non-Aboriginal peoples
NSW.AST4-8 |
Develop knowledge andunderstanding of the factors influencing non-Aboriginal peoples’ range of perceptions of Aboriginal Peoples and cultures, and the effects of these perceptions | |
Recognises the factors that influence non-Aboriginal peoples’range of perceptions of Aboriginal Peoples and cultures
NSW.AST4-9 |
Develop research and communication skills that use appropriate protocols and ethical practices when working with Aboriginal communities | |
Uses appropriate community consultation protocols and ethical research practices to gather and protect data
NSW.AST4-10 |
Uses research techniques and technologies to locate, select, organise and communicate information and findings
NSW.AST4-11 |
Commerce | eTAP Lesson |
Consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment matters | |
Uses appropriate terminology in consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment context
NSW.COM4-1 |
Describes the rights and responsibilities of individuals within consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment contexts
NSW.COM4-2 |
Identifies the role of the law in society
NSW.COM4-3 |
Decision-making and problem-solving in relation to consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment issues | |
Describes key factors affecting decisions
NSW.COM4-4 |
Identifies and describes options for solving problems and issues
NSW.COM4-5 |
Identifies and explains plans for achieving goals
NSW.COM4-6 |
Effective research and communication | |
Selects and organises information from a variety of sources
NSW.COM4-7 |
Communicates information using a variety of forms
NSW.COM4-8 |
Working independently and collaboratively | |
Works independently and collaboratively to meet goals within specified time frames
NSW.COM4-9 |
Geography | eTAP Lesson |
Develop knowledge and understanding of the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales | |
Locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments
NSW.GE4-1 |
Describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environments
NSW.GE4-2 |
Examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues
NSW.GE4-4 |
Discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability
NSW.GE4-5 |
Explains differences in human wellbeing
NSW.GE4-6 |
Apply geographical tools for geographical inquiry | |
Acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry
NSW.GE4-7 |
Communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies
NSW.GE4-8 |
History | eTAP Lesson |
Develop knowledge and understanding of the nature of history and significant changes and developments from the past, the modern world and Australia | |
Describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an understanding of the past
NSW.HT4-1 |
Describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies from the past
NSW.HT4-2 |
Describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the context of past societies
NSW.HT4-3 |
Describes and explains the causes and effects of events and developments of past societies over time
NSW.HT4-4 |
Develop skills to undertake the process of historical inquiry | |
Identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources
NSW.HT4-5 |
Uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations
NSW.HT4-6 |
Identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past
NSW.HT4-7 |
Locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry
NSW.HT4-8 |
Develop skills to communicate their understanding of history | |
Uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past
NSW.HT4-9 |
Selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate about the past
NSW.HT4-10 |
Geography Elective | eTAP Lesson |
The features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales | |
Describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities
NSW.GEE4-1 |
Describes geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments
NSW.GEE4-2 |
Interactions between people, places and environments | |
Explains patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity
NSW.GEE4-3 |
Describes the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability
NSW.GEE4-4 |
Contemporary geographical issues and their management | |
Describes contemporary geographical issues and events
NSW.GEE4-5 |
Discusses perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues
NSW.GEE4-6 |
Examines the management strategies of individuals, groups and governments
NSW.GEE4-7 |
History Elective | eTAP Lesson |
History and historical inquiry | |
Explains the nature of history, heritage, archaeology and the methods of historical inquiry
NSW.HTE4-1 |
Recognises the ways in which historical meanings can be constructed through a range of media
NSW.HTE4-2 |
Past societies and historical periods | |
Sequences people and events or heritage features, within specific periods of time
NSW.HTE4-3 |
Describes some of the main features of past societies or periods, including groups and personalities
NSW.HTE4-4 |
Work Education | eTAP Lesson |
The world of work | |
Describes different types of work and employment options
NSW.WE4-1 |
Recognises appropriate behaviours and protocols in diverse work contexts
NSW.WE4-2 |
Roles of individuals and diverse organisations within the local and Australian community | |
Identifies the range of organisations within their local community
NSW.WE4-3 |
Describes the roles and responsibilities of individuals within the local community
NSW.WE4-4 |
The role of education, employment and training in planning and managing transitions | |
Describes the purpose of education, employment and training organisations
NSW.WE4-5 |
Explains personal goals, attributes and values to inform choices and career pathway plans
NSW.WE4-6 |
Skills related to workplace contexts, entrepreneurship and managing transitions | |
Edentifies skills, attributes and entrepreneurial behaviours for effective participation in work and society
NSW.WE4-7 |
Identifies skills related to career development and managing transitions
NSW.WE4-8 |
Research and communication skills that relate to the world of work | |
Uses relevant information from a variety of sources
NSW.WE4-9 |
Selects and uses appropriate forms to communicate information about the world of work
NSW.WE4-10 |