Working Mathematically | eTAP Lesson |
Develop understanding and fluency in mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication and reasoning | |
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems
Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used
Number and Algebra | eTAP Lesson |
Develop efficient strategies for numerical calculation, recognise patterns, describe relationships and apply algebraic techniques and generalisation | |
Applies place value to order, read and represent numbers of up to five digits
Uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving two-, three-, four- and five-digit numbers
Uses mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division
Represents, models and compares commonly used fractions and decimals
Generalises properties of odd and even numbers, generates number patterns, and completes simple number sentences by calculating missing values
Measurement and Geometry | eTAP Lesson |
Identify, visualise and quantify measures and the attributes of shapes and objects, and explore measurement concepts and geometric relationships, applying formulas, strategies and geometric reasoning in the solution of problems | |
Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths, distances and perimeters in metres, centimetres and millimetres, and measures, compares and records temperatures
Measures, records, compares and estimates areas using square centimetres and square metres
NSW.MA2-10MG |
Measures, records, compares and estimates volumes and capacities using litres, millilitres and cubic centimetres
NSW.MA2-11MG |
Measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using kilograms and grams
NSW.MA2-12MG |
Reads and records time in one-minute intervals and converts between hours, minutes and seconds
NSW.MA2-13MG |
Makes, compares, sketches and names three-dimensional objects, including prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres, and describes their features
NSW.MA2-14MG |
Manipulates, identifies and sketches two-dimensional shapes, including special quadrilaterals, and describes their features
NSW.MA2-15MG |
Identifies, describes, compares and classifies angles
NSW.MA2-16MG |
Uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions
NSW.MA2-17MG |
Statistics and Probability | eTAP Lesson |
Collect, represent, analyse, interpret and evaluate data, assign and use probabilities, and make sound judgements | |
Selects appropriate methods to collect data, and constructs, compares, interprets and evaluates data displays, including tables, picture graphs and column graphs
NSW.MA2-18SP |
Describes and compares chance events in social and experimental contexts
NSW.MA2-19SP |