Government Standards

New South Wales Education Standards

Math - Grade 2

Assessment Exam - NESA Mathematics - Stage 1
Working Mathematically eTAP Lesson
Develop understanding and fluency in mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication and reasoning
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols
Uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems
Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained
Number and Algebra eTAP Lesson
Develop efficient strategies for numerical calculation, recognise patterns, describe relationships and apply algebraic techniques and generalisation
Applies place value, informally, to count, order, read and represent two- and three-digit numbers
Uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers
UDevelop efficient strategies for numerical calculation, recognise patterns, describe relationships and apply algebraic techniques and generalisation
Represents and models halves, quarters and eighths
Creates, represents and continues a variety of patterns with numbers and objects
Measurement and Geometry eTAP Lesson
Identify, visualise and quantify measures and the attributes of shapes and objects, and explore measurement concepts and geometric relationships, applying formulas, strategies and geometric reasoning in the solution of problems
Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths and distances using uniform informal units, metres and centimetres
Measures, records, compares and estimates areas using uniform informal units
Measures, records, compares and estimates volumes and capacities using uniform informal units
Measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using uniform informal units
Describes, compares and orders durations of events, and reads half- and quarter-hour time
Sorts, describes, represents and recognises familiar three-dimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms
Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes and explores two-dimensional shapes, including quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and octagons
Represents and describes the positions of objects in everyday situations and on maps
Statistics and Probability eTAP Lesson
Collect, represent, analyse, interpret and evaluate data, assign and use probabilities, and make sound judgements
Gathers and organises data, displays data in lists, tables and picture graphs, and interprets the results
Recognises and describes the element of chance in everyday events