Standardized Test Preparation

TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)

References: Texas Education Agency : STAAR Released Tests |

Language Arts - Grade 6

Assessment Exam - TEKS Grade 6 Language Arts
Reading/Fluency eTAP Lesson
Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension
Adjust fluency when reading aloud grade-level text based on the reading purpose and the nature of the text
Oral Responses to Literature
Reading/Vocabulary Development eTAP Lesson
Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing
Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes
Multiple Meanings of Words

Word Origins
Use context (e.g., cause and effect or compare and contrast organizational text structures) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple meaning words
Context Clues
Complete analogies that describe part to whole or whole to part (e.g., ink:pen as page: ____ or pen:ink as book: _____)
Analogies, Metaphors, Similes, and Point of View
Explain the meaning of foreign words and phrases commonly used in written English (e.g., RSVP, que sera sera)
Word Origins
Use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (printed or electronic) to determine the meanings, syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words
Structure of Informational Materials
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre eTAP Lesson
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding
Infer the implicit theme of a work of fiction, distinguishing theme from the topic
nalyze the function of stylistic elements (e.g., magic helper, rule of three) in traditional and classical literature from various cultures
Literary Devices
Compare and contrast the historical and cultural settings of two literary works
Compare and Contrast Text Structure
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry eTAP Lesson
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
Explain how figurative language (e.g., personification, metaphors, similes, hyperbole) contributes to the meaning of a poem
Figurative and Metaphorical Use of Words
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Drama eTAP Lesson
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of drama and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
Explain the similarities and differences in the setting, characters, and plot of a play and those in a film based upon the same story line
Literary Genres
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction eTAP Lesson
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
Summarize the elements of plot development (e.g., rising action, turning point, climax, falling action, denouement) in various works of fiction
Plot Structure and Point of View
Recognize dialect and conversational voice and explain how authors use dialect to convey character
Literary Devices
Describe different forms of point-of-view, including first- and third-person
Plot Structure and Point of View

Literary Devices
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction eTAP Lesson
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
Identify the literary language and devices used in memoirs and personal narratives and compare their characteristics with those of an autobiography
Literary Genres
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Sensory Language eTAP Lesson
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about how an author's sensory language creates imagery in literary text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
Explain how authors create meaning through stylistic elements and figurative language emphasizing the use of personification, hyperbole, and refrains
Oral Responses to Literature

Literary Devices
Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History eTAP Lesson
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author's purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding
Compare and contrast the stated or implied purposes of different authors writing on the same topic
Research Reports
Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text eTAP Lesson
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
Summarize the main ideas and supporting details in text, demonstrating an understanding that a summary does not include opinions
Explain whether facts included in an argument are used for or against an issue
Expository Compositions
Explain how different organizational patterns (e.g., proposition-and-support, problem-and-solution) develop the main idea and the author's viewpoint
Plot Structure and Point of View
Synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres
Research Reports
Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text eTAP Lesson
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis
Compare and contrast the structure and viewpoints of two different authors writing for the same purpose, noting the stated claim and supporting evidence
Structure of Informational Materials
Identify simply faulty reasoning used in persuasive texts

Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts eTAP Lesson
Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents
Follow multi-tasked instructions to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures
Multiple-Step Instructions
Interpret factual, quantitative, or technical information presented in maps, charts, illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams
Displaying Data
Reading/Media Literacy eTAP Lesson
Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts
Explain messages conveyed in various forms of media
Media 3
Recognize how various techniques influence viewers' emotions
Tone, Mood, and Emotion
Critique persuasive techniques (e.g., testimonials, bandwagon appeal) used in media messages
Clarify Spoken Ideas
Analyze various digital media venues for levels of formality and informality
Verbal Cues, Facial Expressions & Gestures
Writing/Writing Process eTAP Lesson
Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text
Plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea
Expository Compositions
Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing
Research Reports

Expository Compositions

Revise drafts to clarify meaning, enhance style, include simple and compound sentences, and improve transitions by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed
Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences
Writing/Literary Texts eTAP Lesson
Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people, events, and ideas
Write imaginative stories that include:
  1. (i)  A clearly defined focus, plot, and point of view
  2. (ii)  A specific, believable setting created through the use of sensory details
  3. (iii)  Dialogue that develops the story

Imaginative Forms of Literature

Responses to Literature
Write poems using:
  1. (i) Poetic techniques (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia)
  2. (ii) Figurative language (e.g., similes, metaphors)
  3. (iii) Graphic elements (e.g., capital letters, line length)

Literary Devices
Writing eTAP Lesson
Students write about their own experiences
Write a personal narrative that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences
Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts eTAP Lesson
Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes
Create multi-paragraph essays to convey information about a topic that:
  1. (i) Present effective introductions and concluding paragraphs
  2. (ii) Guide and inform the reader's understanding of key ideas and evidence
  3. (iii) Include specific facts, details, and examples in an appropriately organized structure
  4. (iv) Use a variety of sentence structures and transitions to link paragraphs

Expository Compositions
Write informal letters that convey ideas, include important information, demonstrate a sense of closure, and use appropriate conventions (e.g., date, salutation, closing)
Write informal letters that convey ideas, include important information, demonstrate a sense of closure, and use appropriate conventions (e.g., date, salutation, closing)rite responses to literary or expository texts and provide evidence from the text to demonstrate understanding
Produce a multimedia presentation involving text and graphics using available technology
Writing/Persuasive Texts eTAP Lesson
Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues
Write persuasive essays for appropriate audiences that establish a position and include sound reasoning, detailed and relevant evidence, and consideration of alternatives
Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions eTAP Lesson
Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing
Use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking:
  1. (i) Verbs (irregular verbs and active and passive voice)
  2. (ii) Non-count nouns (e.g., rice, paper)
  3. (iii) Predicate adjectives (She is intelligent.) and their comparative and superlative forms (e.g., many, more, most)
  4. (iv) Conjunctive adverbs (e.g., consequently, furthermore, indeed)
  5. (v) Prepositions and prepositional phrases to convey location, time, direction, or to provide details
  6. (vi) Indefinite pronouns (e.g., all, both, nothing, anything)
  7. (vii) Subordinating conjunctions (e.g., while, because, although, if)
  8. (viii) Transitional words and phrases that demonstrate an understanding of the function of the transition related to the organization of the writing (e.g., on the contrary, in addition to)





Differentiate between the active and passive voice and know how to use them both
Use complete simple and compound sentences with correct subject-verb agreement
Compound Sentences
Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation eTAP Lesson
Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions
Use capitalization for:
  1. (i) Abbreviations
  2. (ii) Initials and acronyms
  3. (iii) Organizations

Recognize and use punctuation marks including:
  1. (i) Commas in compound sentences
  2. (ii) Proper punctuation and spacing for quotations
  3. (iii) Parentheses, brackets, and ellipses (to indicate omissions and interruptions or incomplete statements)



Compound Sentences

Colons and Semicolons
Use proper mechanics including italics and underlining for titles of books
Underlining, Quotation Marks and Italics
Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling eTAP Lesson
Students spell correctly
Differentiate between commonly confused terms (e.g., its, it's; affect, effect)
Use spelling patterns and rules and print and electronic resources to determine and check correct spellings

Know how to use the spell-check function in word processing while understanding its limitations
Research/Research Plan eTAP Lesson
Students ask open-ended research questions and develop a plan for answering them
Brainstorm, consult with others, decide upon a topic, and formulate open-ended questions to address the major research topic
Generate a research plan for gathering relevant information about the major research question
Research/Gathering Sources eTAP Lesson
Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather
Follow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic resources (e.g., reference texts, periodicals, web pages, online sources) and data from experts
Research Reports
Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather.
Differentiate between primary and secondary sources
Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather
Record data, utilizing available technology (e.g., word processors) in order to see the relationships between ideas, and convert graphic/visual data (e.g., charts, diagrams, timelines) into written notes
Identify the source of notes (e.g., author, title, page number) and record bibliographic information concerning those sources according to a standard format
Research Reports
Differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism and identify the importance of citing valid and reliable sources
Research/Synthesizing Information eTAP Lesson
Students clarify research questions and evaluate and synthesize collected information
Refine the major research question, if necessary, guided by the answers to a secondary set of questions
Evaluate the relevance and reliability of sources for the research
Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas eTAP Lesson
Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience
Compiles important information from multiple sources
Investigate and Research Topics
Develops a topic sentence, summarizes findings, and uses evidence to support conclusions
Persuasive Presentations
Presents the findings in a consistent format
Narrative Presentations
Uses quotations to support ideas and an appropriate form of documentation to acknowledge sources (e.g., bibliography, works cited)
Listening and Speaking/Listening eTAP Lesson
Students will use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity
Listen to and interpret a speaker's messages (both verbal and nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the speaker's purpose and perspective
Verbal and Nonverbal Messages

Verbal Cues, Facial Expressions & Gestures
Follow and give oral instructions that include multiple action steps
Informative Presentations
Paraphrase the major ideas and supporting evidence in formal and informal presentations
Clarify Spoken Ideas
Listening and Speaking/Speaking eTAP Lesson
Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity
Give an organized presentation with a specific point of view, employing eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, natural gestures, and conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively
Verbal and Nonverbal Messages

Tone, Mood, and Emotion

Informative Presentations
Listening and Speaking/Teamwork eTAP Lesson
Students work productively with others in teams. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity
Participate in student-led discussions by eliciting and considering suggestions from other group members and by identifying points of agreement and disagreement
Clarify Spoken Ideas