Government Standards

New South Wales Education Standards

Science - Grade 10

Assessment Exam - NESA Science - Stage 5
Science eTAP Lesson
Values and Attitudes
Appreciates the importance of science in their lives and the role of scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them
Stability in an Ecosystem
Shows a willingness to engage in finding solutions to science-related personal, social and global issues, including shaping sustainable futures

Ecosystem Changes
Demonstrates confidence in making reasoned, evidence-based decisions about the current and future use and influence of science and technology, including ethical considerations
Accommodation and Adaptation
Develops questions or hypotheses to be investigated scientifically
Finding Answers to Questions
Produces a plan to investigate identified questions, hypotheses or problems, individually and collaboratively
Selection and Diversity
Undertakes first-hand investigations to collect valid and reliable data and information, individually and collaboratively
Evidence of Evolution

Branching Diagrams
Processes, analyses and evaluates data from first-hand investigations and secondary sources to develop evidence-based arguments and conclusions
Natural Selection
Applies scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible solutions to identified problems
Computer Models to Study Greenhouse Effect
Presents science ideas and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific audience, using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations
Knowledge and Understanding
Applies models, theories and laws to explain situations involving energy, force and motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Explains how scientific understanding about energy conservation, transfers and transformations is applied in systems
Conservation of Energy Problems
Describes changing ideas about the structure of the Earth and the universe to illustrate how models, theories and laws are refined over time by the scientific community
The Internal Structure of the Earth
Explains how scientific knowledge about global patterns of geological activity and interactions involving global systems can be used to inform decisions related to contemporary issues
How Has Earth's Climate Changed Over Time?
Analyses interactions between components and processes within biological systems
Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle
Explains how biological understanding has advanced through scientific discoveries, technological developments and the needs of society
DNA Technology and Recombinant DNA
Explains how models, theories and laws about matter have been refined as new scientific evidence becomes available
Genetic Engineering

Great Diversity-Increased Chance to Survive
Discusses the importance of chemical reactions in the production of a range of substances, and the influence of society on the development of new materials
When Did the Different Organisms Start to Develop Differently?