Government Standards

Australian Curriculum

Social Studies - Grade 10

Assessment Exam - Australian Curriculum - Level 10 History and Social Sciences
Historical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Overview of the modern world and Australia
The inter-war years between World War I and World War II, including the Treaty of Versailles, the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression
Peace at Last

A Different World

The Great Depression
Continuing efforts post-World War II to achieve lasting peace and security in the world, including Australia’s involvement in UN peacekeeping
Damage Control
The major movements for rights and freedom in the world and the achievement of independence by former colonies
The Need for Expansion
The nature of the Cold War and Australia’s involvement in Cold War and post-Cold War conflicts (Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf Wars, Afghanistan), including the rising influence of Asian nations since the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
The nature of the Cold War and Australia’s involvement in Cold War and post-Cold War conflicts (Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf Wars, Afghanistan), including the rising influence of Asian nations since the end of the Cold War
The Vietnam Era
World History, Culture, and Geography eTAP Lesson
The Modern World
List the principles of the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights (1689), the AmericanDeclaration of Independence (1776), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man andthe Citizen (1789), and the U.S. Bill of Rights (1791).
Formulating a Plan for Liberty

Historical Documents
Historical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
World War II (1939-45)
Overview of the causes and course of World War II
The Road to War
Examination of significant events of World War II, including the Holocaust and use of the atomic bomb
The War in Europe

Allied Victories
Experiences of Australians during World War II (such as Prisoners of War (POWs), the Battle of Britain, Kokoda, the Fall of Singapore)
The impact of World War II, with a particular emphasis on the Australian home front, including the changing roles of women and use of wartime government controls (conscription, manpower controls, rationing and censorship)
Wartime America
The significance of World War II to Australia’s international relationships in the twentieth century, with particular reference to the United Nations, Britain, the USA and Asia
Global Interdependence
Rights and freedoms (1945 – the present)
The origins and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Australia’s involvement in the development of the declaration
Recent Political Systems
Background to the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965, including the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations
The US civil rights movement and its influence on Australia
The Continuing Struggle
The significance of the following for the civil rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 1962 right to vote federally; 1967 Referendum; Reconciliation; Mabo decision; Bringing Them Home Report (the Stolen Generations), the Apology
Methods used by civil rights activists to achieve change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and the role of ONE individual or group in the struggle
The continuing nature of efforts to secure civil rights and freedoms in Australia and throughout the world, such as the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)
Popular culture (1945 – present)
The nature of popular culture in Australia at the end of World War II, including music, film and sport
Developments in popular culture in post-war Australia and their impact on society, including the introduction of television and rock ’n’ roll
Changing nature of the music, film and television industry in Australia during the post-war period, including the influence of overseas developments (such as Hollywood, Bollywood and the animation film industry in China and Japan)
Australia’s contribution to international popular culture (music, film, television, sport)
Continuity and change in beliefs and values that have influenced the Australian way of life
Migration experiences (1945 – present)
The waves of post-World War II migration to Australia, including the influence of significant world events
The impact of changing government policies on Australia’s migration patterns, including abolition of the White Australia Policy, ‘Populate or Perish’
The impact of at least ONE world event or development and its significance for Australia, such as the Vietnam War and Indochinese refugees
The contribution of migration to Australia’s changing identity as a nation and to its international relationships
The environment movement (1960s – present)
The background to environmental awareness, including the nineteenth century National Parks movement in America and Australia
Contemporary American Issues
The intensification of environmental effects in the twentieth century as a result of population increase, urbanisation, increasing industrial production and trade
Analysis of Pollutants
The growth and influence of the environment movement within Australia and overseas, and developments in ideas about the environment including the concept of ‘sustainability’
Significant events and campaigns that contributed to popular awareness of environmental issues, such as the campaign to prevent the damming of Australia’s Gordon River, the nuclear accident at Chernobyl and the Jabiluka mine controversy in 1998
Responses of governments, including the Australian Government, and international organisations to environmental threats since the 1960s, including deforestation and climate change
Historical Skills eTAP Lesson
Chronology, terms and concepts
Use chronological sequencing to demonstrate the relationship between events and developments in different periods and places
Logical Patterns of Organization
Use historical terms and concepts
Connection Between Themes and Historical Periods
Historical questions and research
Identify and select different kinds of questions about the past to inform historical inquiry
Write Historical Investigation Reports
Evaluate and enhance these questions
Evaluating Information
Identify and locate relevant sources, using ICT and other methods
Analysis and use of sources
Identify the origin, purpose and context of primary and secondary sources
Analyzing Historical Accounts
Process and synthesise information from a range of sources for use as evidence in an historical argument
Researching an Argument
Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of primary and secondary sources
Suitable Research Methods
Perspectives and interpretations
Identify and analyse the perspectives of people from the past
Compare and Contrast Media Coverage of the Same Event
Identify and analyse different historical interpretations (including their own)
Deliver Oral Reports on Historical Investigations
Explanation and communication
Develop texts, particularly descriptions and discussions that use evidence from a range of sources that are referenced
Prepare Bibliography Reference Materials
Select and use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies
Deliver Expository Presentations
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Environmental change and management
Human-induced environmental changes that challenge sustainability
Global Environmental Laws
Environmental world views of people and their implications for environmental management
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ approaches to custodial responsibility and environmental management in different regions of Australia
Select ONE of the following types of environment as the context for study: land (e.g. forests, deserts, grasslands, farmland), inland water, coast, marine or urban. A comparative study of examples selected from Australia and at least one other country should be included.
The application of systems thinking to understanding the causes and likely consequences of the environmental change being investigated
The application of geographical concepts and methods to the management of the environmental change being investigated

The application of environmental economic and social criteria in evaluating management responses to the change
Geographies of human wellbeing
Different ways of measuring and mapping human wellbeing and development, and how these can be applied to measure differences between places
Reasons for spatial variations between countries in selected indicators of human wellbeing
Geosphere Pollution Challenges
Issues affecting development of places and their impact on human wellbeing, drawing on a study from a developing country or region in Africa, South America or the Pacific Islands
Atmospheric Pollution Challenges
Reasons for, and consequences of, spatial variations in human wellbeing on a regional scale within India or another country of the Asia region
Reasons for, and consequences of, spatial variations in human wellbeing in Australia at the local scale
Features of ENSO
The role of international and national government and non-government organisations' initiatives in improving human wellbeing in Australia and other countries
Analysis of Pollutants
Geographical Inquiry and Skills eTAP Lesson
Observing, questioning and planning
Develop geographically significant questions and plan an inquiry that identifies and applies appropriate geographical methodologies and concepts
Reproductive and Geographic Isolation
Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing
Evaluate sources for their reliability, bias and usefulness and select, collect, record and organise relevant geographical data and information, using ethical protocols, from a range of appropriate primary and secondary sources
Evaluating Information
Represent multi-variable data in a range of appropriate forms, for example scatter plots, tables, field sketches and annotated diagrams, with and without the use of digital and spatial technologies
Graphing Data

Displaying Data
Represent spatial distribution of geographical phenomena by constructing special purpose maps that conform to cartographic conventions, using spatial technologies as appropriate
Tools and Technology
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
Interpret and analyse multi-variable data and other geographical information using qualitative and quantitative methods, and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to make generalisations and inferences, propose explanations for patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies, and predict outcomes
Apply geographical concepts to synthesise information from various sources and draw conclusions based on the analysis of data and information, taking into account alternative points of view
Point of View
Identify how geographical information systems (GIS) might be used to analyse geographical data and make predictions
Analysis of Pollutants
Present findings, arguments and explanations in a range of appropriate communication forms, selected for their effectiveness and to suit audience and purpose; using relevant geographical terminology, and digital technologies as appropriate
Written Reports and Oral Presentations
Reflecting and responding
Reflect on and evaluate findings of an inquiry to propose individual and collective action in response to a contemporary geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic, political and social considerations; and explain the predicted outcomes and consequences of their proposal
Economics and Business Knowledge and Understanding eTAP Lesson
Economics and Business Knowledge and Understanding
Indicators of economic performance and how Australia’s economy is performing
The links between economic performance and living standards, and how and why variations exist within and between economies
Economic Systems
The ways that governments manage economic performance to improve living standards
Managing the Nation’s Economy
Factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and the short- and long-term consequences of these decisions
The Role of Government
The ways businesses respond to changing economic conditions and improve productivity through organisational management and workforce management
The Challenge of Prosperity
Economics and Business Skills eTAP Lesson
Questioning and research
Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation
What Do Economists Do?
Gather relevant and reliable data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources
Looking at the Resources
Interpretation and analysis
Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives
Scarcity and Choice
Economic reasoning, decision-making and application
Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action
A Look Inside Macroeconomics
Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations
Economic Specialization
Communication and reflection
Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts
Structuring Ideas and Arguments
Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions
Issues in Today’s Global Market