Standardized Test Preparation


References: Khan Academy : SAT |

Language Arts

Assessment Exam - SAT Reading
Information and Ideas eTAP Lesson
The student will identify information and ideas explicitly stated in text.
Reading Closing - Determining Explicit Meanings
Evoking Readers' Emotion

Absolute Value Inequalities

Ratios and Proportions

Direct and Inverse Variation

The student will draw reasonable inferences and logical conclusions from text.
Reading Closing - Determining Implicit Meanings
Denotative and Connotative Meaning
The student will extrapolate in a reasonable way from the information and ideas in a text or apply information and ideas in a text to a new, analogous situation.
Reading Closely - Using Analogical Reasoning
The student will cite the textual evidence that best supports a given claim or point.
Citing Textual Evidence
Develop Presentations Using Appropriate Research Methods
The student will identify explicitly stated central ideas or themes in text and determine implicit central ideas or themes from text.
Determining Central Ideas and Themes
Recurring Themes
The student will identify a reasonable summary of a text or of key information and ideas in text.
Write Responses to Literature

Note-taking, Outlining & Summarizing
The student will identify explicitly stated relationships or determine implicit relationships between and among individuals, events, or ideas (e.g., cause-effect, comparison-contrast, sequence).
Understanding Relationships
Cause and Effect Organization of Text
The student will determine the meaning of words and phrases in context.
Interpreting Words and Phrases in Context
Evaluation of Aesthetic Qualities

Paraphrase a Speaker's Purpose and Point of View
Rhetoric eTAP Lesson
The student will determine how the selection of specific words and phrases or the use of patterns of words and phrases shapes meaning and tone in text.
Analyzing Word Choice
The student will describe the overall structure of a text.
Analyzing Text Structure - Analyzing Overall Text Structure
Elements of Plot
The student will analyze the relationship between a particular part of a text (e.g., a sentence) and the whole text.
Analyzing Text Structure - Analyzing Part-Whole Relationships
Logical Patterns of Organization
The student will determine the point of view or perspective from which a text is related or the influence this point of view or perspective has on content and style.
Analyzing Point of View
Point of View

Audience Analysis
The student will determine the main or most likely purpose of a text or of a particular part of a text (typically, one or more paragraphs).
Analyzing Purpose
How to Reach Rhetorical or Aesthetic Purposes
The student will identify claims and counterclaims explicitly stated in text or determine implicit claims and counterclaims from text.
Analyzing Arguments - Analyzing Claims and Counterclaims
How to Present a Clear Thesis Statement
The student will assess an author’s reasoning for soundness.
Analyzing Arguments - Assessing Reasoning
Analyze the Type of Arguments the Speaker Uses
The student will assess how an author uses or fails to use evidence to support a claim or counterclaim.
Analyzing Arguments - Analyzing Evidence
Analyzing Historical Accounts
Synthesis eTAP Lesson
The student will synthesize information and ideas from paired texts.
Analyzing Multiple Texts
Systematic Strategies to Organize and Record Information
The student will analyze information presented quantitatively in such forms as graphs, tables, and charts and/or relate that information to information presented in text.
Analyzing Quantitative Information
Structure of Informational Materials