Mathematical Section


eTAP Lessons

Language Subtest (top)

The Language subtest has one writing task and 48 multiple-choice questions. The writing task requires a persuasive essay. Persuasive writing requires the clear and logical presentation of reasons and details offered in support of a position in order to convince the reader to accept that position. The multiple-choice questions combine mechanics and expression, as defined below, include some study skills items, and measure achievement in applying the principles that form effective writing.

A. Language Mechanics

Capitalization: Distinguish correct capitalization


Usage: Identify correctly applied grammar


Punctuation: Distinguish correct punctuation


B. Language Expression (top)

Sentence Structure: Distinguish between clearly written sentences and sentences that contain errors in expression or construction.

Word Meanings

Prewriting: Plan, organize, and improve writing samples.

Writing Strategies: Organization and Focus

Content and Organization: Determine appropriate editing of short paragraphs.

Evaluation and Revision

Reading Subtest (top)

The Reading subtest has 30 vocabulary questions and 54 reading comprehension questions, all of which are multiple-choice. The vocabulary questions assess synonyms, multiple-meaning words, and context clues as defined below.

A. Synonyms
Demonstrate the ability to recognize a synonym for a word used in context.

Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones & Homographs

B. Multiple-Meaning Words
Demonstrate the ability to determine the meaning of a given word with multiple meanings.


C. Context Clues
Demonstrate the ability to use context clues to assign meaning to an unknown word.

Context Clues

Reading comprehension (top)

The reading comprehension questions test initial understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, and strategies using three types of text: literary (material typically read for enjoyment), informational (material typically found in textbooks and other sources of information), and functional (material typically encountered in everyday-life situations). The specific reading comprehension skills assessed are listed below.

A. Initial Understanding
Demonstrate the ability to comprehend explicitly stated relationships in a variety of reading selections.

  • Determine explicit supporting details
  • Determine explicit sequence or action
  • Determine explicit explanation or cause

Reading Comprehension 1
Reading Comprehension 2

B. Interpretation
Demonstrate the ability to form an interpretation of a variety of reading selections based on explicit and implicit information in the selections.

  • Determine implicit details, plot, sequence, or action
  • Determine implicit causes for or effects of actions, events, or ideas
  • Draw conclusions from details
  • Extract implicit main idea or theme
  • Determine problems and solutions in text
  • Generalize beyond text Interpret character traits, motivation, or behavior
  • Make predictions
  • Determine important from less-important ideas
  • Categorize, classify, compare, or contrast
  • Provide support for conclusions or outcomes
  • Apply ideas and information to new situations or problems
Literary Response and Analysis
Cause and Effect Organization of Text

C. Critical Analysis
Demonstrate the ability to synthesize and evaluate explicit and implicit information in a variety of reading selections.

  • Analyze author’s purpose, assumptions, or viewpoint
  • Analyze text structure or elements Distinguish fact from opinion Identify, differentiate, or analyze characteristics of genre
  • Determine author’s intended audience
  • Discern author's voice
  • Discern and interpret literary devices
  • Evaluate sufficiency or consistency of information or text
Literary Devices
Responses to Literature
Informational Text Analysis
Narrative Analysis

D. Strategies
Demonstrate the ability to recognize and apply text factors and reading strategies in a variety of reading selections.

  • Ask clarifying questions
  • Determine background knowledge
  • Select an appropriate reading strategy in a given situation
  • Apply text structure to reading task
  • Determine if needed information is within or out of text
  • Determine unknown words from context
  • Set purpose for reading
Listening and Speaking

Writing Task (top)

The writing task requires an expository essay. The essence of expository writing is the clear statement of a controlling idea, or thesis, supported by appropriate reasons explained in some detail. See the sample writing tasks and essay scoring scale.