Chemistry | eTAP Lesson |
Structures and Properties of Matter | |
Develop and use models to explain the relationship of the structure of atoms to patterns and properties observed within the Periodic Table and describe how these models are revised with new evidence.
AZ.SCI.HS.P1U1.1 |
Atoms and Molecules Matter and Energy Connection Among the Location in the Table, the Atomic Number, and Mass |
Chemical Reactions | |
Develop and use models for the transfer or sharing of electrons to predict the formation of ions, molecules, and compounds in both natural and synthetic processes.
AZ.SCI.HS.P1U1.2 |
Acids, Bases, and Neutrals The Law of Conservation of Mass |
Ask questions, plan, and carry out investigations to explore the cause and effect relationship between reaction rate factors.
AZ.SCI.HS.P1U1.3 |
Reactions and Energy Rate of Reaction Concentration, Temperature and Pressure |
Nuclear Processes and Applications of Chemistry | |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how the use of chemistry related technologies have had positive and negative ethical, social, economic, and/or political implications.
AZ.SCI.HS.P1U3.4 |
Nuclear Forces Energy Release in Nuclear Fusion Three Common Forms of Radioactive Decay Radiation |
Physics | eTAP Lesson |
Motion and Stability – Forces and Interactions | |
Construct an explanation for a field’s strength and influence on an object (electric, gravitational, magnetic).
AZ.SCI.HS.P2U1.5 |
Friction and Other Forces Gravity and the Solar System Universal Law of Gravitation |
Collect, analyze,and interpret data regarding the change in motion of an object or system in one dimension, to construct an explanation using Newton’s Laws.
AZ.SCI.HS.P3U1.6 |
Motion, Distance and Time Relationships Speed and Velocity Newton’s Laws of Motion |
Use mathematics and computational thinking to explain how Newton’s laws are used in engineering and technologies to create products to serve human ends.
AZ.SCI.HS.P3U2.7 |
Solving Constant Speed and Average Speed Problems Balanced Forces Newton's First Law One Dimensional Motion Problems (Newton's Second Law) |
Energy and Waves | |
Engage in argument from evidence that the net change of energy in a system is always equal to the total energy exchanged between the system and the surroundings.
AZ.SCI.HS.P4U1.8 |
Kinetic Energy Calculations Gravitational Potential Energy Calculations |
Engage in argument from evidence regarding the ethical, social, economic, and/or political benefits and liabilities of energy usage and transfer.
AZ.SCI.HS.P4U3.9 |
Conservation of Energy Problems Problems with Various Sources of Potential Energy |
Construct an explanation about the relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media, and their applications to modern technology.
AZ.SCI.HS.P4U1.10 |
Wavelength, Frequency, and Wave Speed Problems Waves and Energy |
Earth and Space | eTAP Lesson |
Weather and Climate | |
Analyze and interpret data to determine how energy from the Sun affects weather patterns and climate.
AZ.SCI.HS.E1U1.11 |
Weather and Climate Climate and Topography |
Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes | |
Develop and use models of the Earth that explains the role of energy and matter in Earth’s constantly changing internal and external systems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere).
AZ.SCI.HS.E1U1.12 |
Circulation Patterns in the Earth's Atmosphere and Oceans The Origin and Effects of Temperature Inversion Properties of Ocean Water |
Earth's Systems | |
Evaluate explanations and theories about the role of energy and matter in geologic changes over time
AZ.SCI.HS.E1U1.13 |
The Internal Structure of the Earth How Do Earthquakes Happen and Where? Volcanoes |
Earth and Human Activity | |
Engage in argument from evidence about the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, changes in climate, and human activity andhow they influence each other.
AZ.SCI.HS.E1U3.14 |
How Has Earth's Climate Changed Over Time? Computer Models to Study Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Effect on Earth |
Earth's Place in the Universe | |
Construct an explanation based on evidence to illustrate the role of nuclear fusion in the life cycle of a star.
AZ.SCI.HS.E2U1.15 |
Nuclear Fusion in Stars Life Cycle of Stars / The Balance Between Gravitational Collapse and Nuclear Fusion Evidence for the Existence of Planets Orbiting Other Stars |
Earth’s Place in the Universe | |
Construct an explanation of how gravitational forces impact the evolution of planetary motion, structure, surfaces, atmospheres, moons, and rings.
AZ.SCI.HS.E2U1.16 |
Where is the Solar System? The Solar Nebula/Earth's Formation from the Nebula Formation and Origin of the Moon The Sun (Earth Science) |
The Universe and its Stars | |
Construct an explanation of the origin, expansion, and scale of the universe based on astronomical evidence.
AZ.SCI.HS.E2U1.17 |
Galaxies The Big Bang Model Cloud of Dust Theory Effects of Asteroid Impacts in Shaping the Surface of Planets |
Life Science | eTAP Lesson |
Ecosystems | |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate about the positive and negative ethical, social, economic, and political implications of human activity on the biodiversity of an ecosystem.
AZ.SCI.HS.L2U3.18 |
Biodiversity Ecosystem Changes Fluctuation in Population Size Stability in an Ecosystem |
Develop and use modelsthat show how changes in the transfer of matter and energy within an ecosystem and interactions between species may affect organisms and their environment.
AZ.SCI.HS.L2U1.19 |
Energy Pyramid Accommodation and Adaptation |
Cells and Organisms | |
Ask questions and/or make predictions based on observations and evidence to demonstrate how cellular organization, structure, and function allow organisms to maintain homeostasis.
AZ.SCI.HS.L1U1.20 |
Cell Membrane Enzymes Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate data showing the relationship of photosynthesis and cellular respiration; flow of energy and cycling of matter.
AZ.SCI.HS.L2U1.21 |
Energy Capture and Storage RNA's Role The Role of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Apparatus |
Construct an explanation for how cellular division (mitosis) is the process by which organisms grow and maintain complex,interconnected systems.
AZ.SCI.HS.L1U1.22 |
Mitochondria Macromolecules What Determines the Eukaryotic Cell's Shape? |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate the ethical, social, economic and/or political implications of the detection and treatment of abnormal cell function.
AZ.SCI.HS.L1U3.23 |
Effects of DNA Mutation Meiosis Random Chromosome Segregation |
Genetics | |
Construct an explanation of how the process of sexual reproduction contributes to genetic variation.
AZ.SCI.HS.L3U1.24 |
Structure and Function of DNA, RNA New Combinations of Alleles Predict Possible Combinations of Alleles |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the causes and implications of DNA mutation.
AZ.SCI.HS.L3U1.25 |
Genetic Coding Rules Cell Gene Patterns in Multicellular Organisms DNA Technology and Recombinant DNA |
Engage in argument from evidence regarding the ethical,social, economic, and/or political implications of a current genetic technology.
AZ.SCI.HS.L3U3.26 |
Genetic Engineering Adding DNA to Bacterial Genetic Material How Do Chromosomes Define Sex? |
Evolution | |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate evidence that describes how changes in frequency of inherited traits in a population can lead to biological diversity.
AZ.SCI.HS.L4U1.27 |
New Mutations Selection and Diversity Natural Selection |
Gather, evaluate, and communicatemultiple lines of empirical evidence to explain the mechanisms of biological evolution.
AZ.SCI.HS.L4U1.28 |
Evidence of Evolution Branching Diagrams Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |